2015 Sikh International Film Festival

Sikh International Film Festival 2015




(25 W 52nd St, New York, NY)

Thinking Out Loud


Thinking Out Loud

Directed by AJ Singh

A man living a comfortable life is slow to realize that he must change in order to overcome his disorder and ultimately, save his marriage. Harman (played by AJ Singh) is a structured individual who is in pursuit of controlling all aspects of his life. He has allocated right from wrong and is content with his decisions that have led him to his reserved, but rather distant lifestyle.

His wife Sarina (played by Kristina Vivsek) on the other hand, often thinks back to those once-blissful days and when and if they will ever come again. Wanting to experience the life of a recently committed individual, yet still understanding the nature of her husband’s condition and his love towards her, Sarina constantly searches for change and yearns for a better tomorrow. Trying to build a healthier relationship, Harman is faced with a difficult situation that makes him reconsider right from wrong, something he has always known to differentiate.

Struggling to make sense of the situation, Harman places the blame on himself and begins to question his own beliefs. This development leads him to take his mind off of things that once consumed it, and onto further developing his ideology; realizing what is right or socially correct might not be far from what we consider to be wrong or unacceptable.

For the sake of their wellbeing, Harman accepts the notion of change and ultimately has to make a decision to either change his habits, or change his beliefs.


Thinking Out Loud
Thinking Out Loud
Thinking Out Loud

Film list is subject to change without notice.